A Veterinarian Technician degree is a good start toward a career that is both satisfying, and in industry that is growing in Utah. New technology, innovative treatments and more effective pharmaceuticals have helped spur the growth in money spent on Veterinary care. From small pet clinics in the cities to rural farm and ranch practices, a Vet Tech working in Utah is sure to succeed as more complex.
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Vet-Tech Salary in Utah
$23,670 per year on average is the Veterinarian Technician’s salary in Utah, working out to about $11 hourly. $28,900 annually is the average in the U.S. as a whole or about $13 per hour. Incomes for veterinarian technicians are slightly lower than the national average. Salaries can range from $20,000 just starting out after graduation to $48,000 for more specialized positions often requiring additional education and training.
Employment Prospects in Utah
Employment opportunities for veterinary technicians in Utah is projected to grow 30 percent nationally from 2012 to 2022.
Vet Tech positions will also increase as more veterinarians utilize trained technicians and technologists replacing lower skilled veterinary assistants.
Registered Veterinary Technicians can find employment in a variety of capacities such as medical specialty clinics, rescue shelters, exotic animal rescue and rehabilitation facilities, teaching colleges, research laboratories, non-profit organizations, and in the military and government.
New jobs will also increase in small pet animal clinics in urban setting to large animal practices on ranches and farms and everything in between.
What Will You Do as a Vet-Tech?
As a Licensed Veteran Technician your tasks may include:
- recording a canine’s, or another animal patient’s, medical history;
- assisting with surgeries and other medical procedures;
- collecting blood, urine or stool samples;
- developing radiographs;
- preparing animals and equipment for surgery;
- Processing laboratory tests.
- Some veterinary technicians also serve as office managers for animal hospitals.
- providing treatment for routine problems
- assisting the veterinarian with physical exams
- developing x-rays and radiographs
- performing anesthesia
- administration of medications
- recording temperature, pulse and respiration
- dressing wounds
- operating electrocardiographic equipment
- sterilizing laboratory and surgical equipment
- vaccinating animals
Licensing Requirements in Utah
Utah currently has no licensing or registration requirements for veterinary technicians. However, while this would allow individuals with no training or experience to seek to become a Vet Tech, most veterinary practices prefer to hire qualified veterinary technicians.
Accredited Utah Veterinary Technician Programs
The AAVSB-approved two year Vet Tech program in Utah is offered through technical universities. The courses offered are ones which teach students the fundamentals of handling and care of animals, assisting with medical and surgical procedures, how to run labs and set up vaccines. internal medicine veterinary technician, veterinary nurse, imaging and x ray operator. In addition to the practical application of course content, students are also trained on how to communicate and educate animals’ owners.
(Click here to see Utah Veterinary Technician programs: Utah Vet Tech schools.)
General Vet-Tech Coursework
Pharmacology courses explore issues of veterinary medicine, including terminology of therapeutic treatments, how drugs work in the animal’s body, medicine dosage calculations, possible medication side effects. Also covered are pharmacy procedures.
Small Animal Nursing
Small animal nursing classes will teach you the unique handling techniques, and the use of medical equipment and medicine required to care for small animals. Restraining animals for examining and grooming may also be included.
Anatomy and Physiology
Classes explore the major body systems of domesticated species and their functions and physiological processes.
Large Animal and Equine Nursing
The specific techniques, equipment and medicine required for the care of large animals, such as those found on a farm or ranch including horses, livestock, and farm animals.
Operating Room
You will be introduced to operating room procedures, including sterilization policies and the role of post-surgical nursing. You will also learn to prepare the patient and the operating room for minor and major surgical procedures.
Administering anesthesia is very complex. Classes explore how anesthesia affects certain animals and how to prepare the patient for surgery.
Small Animal Nursing
Also typically offered are small animal nursing classes that teach students the unique handling techniques, medical equipment and medicine required to care for small animals. Classes also include restraining animals for examining and grooming.
The Vet-Tech can also specialize in:
- Zoological and Exotic Animal Medicine
- Internal Medicine
- Dental Technician
- Equine Medicine
- Behavior Modification
- American Association of Zoo Keepers
Emergency and critical care nursing - Surgery and Anesthetist
Education Costs
You can discuss your specific financials needs and your coursework with your Student Guidance Counselor. The Veterinary Technician program in Utah will have Student Aid information for you. Scholarships set up by businesses or private foundations and/or traditional student loans may be available to you.
After graduating from a vet tech program in Utah, you will be prepared to sit for the national and state licensing boards. Obtaining both of these will give you a tremendous edge over those without formal training.
Vet-Tech License Testing and Licensing Requirements in Utah
Utah does not have requirements for Veterinary Technician licensing in order to work in Utah. Nor is their required renewal or continuing education.
Continuing education, however, will make your advance in your chosen field far more rapid. Veterinarians in Utah prefer to hire trained and licensed Vet Techs. Also you may transfer to another state, but you should check first with the AAVSB regarding reciprocity programs.
To meet the Utah Vet Tech License requirements, you will have to:
- Complete and graduate from an AAVSB-approved two-year Utah Vet Tech schools.
- Must take and pass the VTNE exam. The test is administered by the American Association of Veterinary State Boards, The VTNE exam is given three times a year in various parts of the state. It is three hours long and has 150 questions. Cost is $300.
Utah Veterinary Physician Licensing Board
PO Box 146741
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6741
Phone: 801.530.6254
Fax: 801.530.6511
Continuing Education in Utah
Although not required, practicing Vet Techs in Utah are encouraged to continue their education. There are numerous opportunities for specializing in certain practices like equine medicine or heart surgery. Scientific research & development of new drugs, technology, equipment are only a few subjects that change rapidly. It is very important to keep up-to-date.
For more information you can refer to these resources:
- American Veterinary Medical Association
- Vermont Veterinary Technicians Association
- National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America
- Vermont Veterinary Medical Association
- Canadian Association of Animal Health Technologists and Technicians
- Academy of Veterinary Technician Anesthetists
- Academy of Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Technicians
- Academy of Internal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians
- American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
- Utah Veterinary Medical Association
Finding Career Opportunities
Your school will have assistance available to you while looking for a job. Also, the Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities (CACVT) has an active job posting page separated into geographic regions.
The National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA), an organization that represents and promotes the profession of veterinary technician, has a resources in their website’s Career Center page.
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) also has a job board for licensed Vet Techs.
Potential Employers in Utah for Registered Veterinary
- Kaysville Veterinary Clinic (Kaysville)
- A Caring Vet (Lyndon)
- Salt lake County Animal Services (Salt Lake City)
- Professional Wildlife Removal (Salt Lake City)
- Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (state-wide)
- Utah Wildlife Rescue Groups (state-wide)
- Utah Wildlife Specialists (Northern Utah)
- Wild Aware Utah! (state-wide)